Free Download HDRI SUNSET002

Free Download HDRI SUNSET002

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Free Download HDRI SUNSET002

A HDRI map (high dynamic range image map) is a digital image file commonly used in 3D computer graphics for image-based lighting. The rectangular photographic image captures a view of a location in all directions from a single viewpoint – where the pixel brightness values in the image are unlimited and match the real-world lighting values.

HDRI is a very powerful tool

HDRI is a very powerful tool when it comes to 3D rendering. In other words, HDRI is used for image-based lighting in 3D software.

HDRI is an acronym for ‘High Dynamic Range Image’ – which is a term describing a property of a digital image.

3D artists and designers need all the lighting data in an HDRI map to light their 3D models or scenes accurately. When you light a 3D scene with an HDRI map, the lighting and reflections from the HDRI map surround the 3D objects in the background. The HDRI map offers accurate lighting and reflection values for the 3D models once you render them with materials. As a result, the render appears to be a photograph of the 3D model taken at the real location.

Free Download HDRI SUNSHINE002

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